vendredi 24 avril 2009

gi$eL. e big couture .

gi$eL. e big couture .
de la couture out of focus , over-sharpened et
pleine de subtilités , de double-sens . . .
i love fashion .
but i hate shopping in «normal» stores where they tell
you right away what to wear . . .
they give you the right size , but rarely the right colors . . .
« less is more . »
Giorgio Armani .
« si une femme est mal habillée , on remarque sa robe , mais si elle est impeccablement vêtue , c, est elle que l, on remarque . »
Coco Chanel .

gi$$$eL. e big couture .
p.s. WHY ? WHYY ? the lighting in my appartment is sooo bad . . .
i end up with fucken noisy pictures .

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