mercredi 3 juin 2009

tschüss +

gi$eL. e le pAsTeLi s pHoToGrApHy
ist tot .
dead .
thanks to people who actually followed my blog from its beginning ,
middle or end . . .
to people who maybe enjoyed it . . .
or maybe felt something reading or looking at it . . .
due to personnal , financial , emotionnal , physical , fictitious , irrational problems ,
i quit photography .
i loved photography to death .
almost as much as writting .
or dreaming .
cuz it gave me the oppurtunity to invent worlds that never existed anywhere else , and that i enjoyed creating and living in . . .
and i believed in these magical , irrealistic , true worlds of mine .
ohhh yes , i did .
i believed in them cuz they were all little parts of me . . .
but things changed . . .
and i don, t believe anymore .

(une) main spatiale .

tschüss .

gi$eL. e le pAsTeLi s r.i.p.

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